What type of tickets does NJOC process?
- ROUTINE: A regular locate. Must wait three business days for a markout, begin digging within 10 business days, ticket expires in 45 business days.
- UPDATE: If there is a reason to update your routine ticket, such as mismark, not marked, etc.
- DAMAGE FACILITY: If you nick or damage an underground facility, you can call the utility in question and then call the one call center to report the damage.
- EMERGENCY: Any condition constituting a clear and present danger to life, health or property caused by the escape of any material or substance transported using an underground facility or interruption of a vital communication or public service that requires immediate action.
What are the hours for NJOC?
You can contact the one call center 24/7, every day of the year.
What information will NJOC need when I call?
- Company or homeowner name
- First and last name
- Your area code and telephone number
- Company’s mailing address or homeowner’s address
- Company’s phone number
- Fax number
- Cell phone or pager number
- Email address
- Town/municipality where work is being done
- If you’re working in a sub-division (development or complex)
- County where work is being done
- Latitude and longitude (optional)
- Dig address (must be in the town or municipality where you are digging)
- Nearest intersecting street (in the town or municipality where you are digging)
- Another intersecting street (optional)
- Block and lot number (optional)
- If the area is marked in white: the number of markings, and how multiple markings are labeled
- Where on property they can be found
- Type of work
- Directions and distance to the dig site
- How deep you plan to dig
- The name of the company you are working for
- The first and last name of the contact for the company you are working for
- Their mailing address, phone, fax
What do the colors mean?
Who marks the lines?
Facility operators are responsible for marking out their facilities; often, they will have a third party company do their markouts. The New Jersey One Call center does not do mark outs.
What should I do if the utility companies do not mark the lines?
Call the One Call Center with your original ticket number and advise the Customer Service representative of the company that did not mark out.
Should I mark out in white before calling the One Call Center?
If possible, mark out the proposed excavation area in white, before calling the center. Advise the operator where the area marked in white is located, how many areas are marked and any other pertinent information.
Who should call the One Call Center?
Anyone planning to dig. This includes excavation, demolition, blasting, a small or large construction project, or homeowners*.
*If a homeowner is hiring a contractor to do the digging, then it is the responsibility of the contractor to call for the dig ticket.